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The best alternatives to ScientificHub are Datazar, Askdata, and Authorea. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to ScientificHub
  • We are a team of scientists and innovators on a mission to push science to the next era. We believe science is what keeps humanity going forward and we must do everything we can to keep it open, accessible and ...

  • AskData is based on Human2SQL, the 🌎 world's biggest repository of 💬 natural language and SQL 📀 Main benefits: ⚡️ Superior Natural Language Querying ⚡️ Personalized Feed of Proactive Answers ⚡️ Message-Drive...

  • GitHub for scientific works

  • InViQ is an effortless, intuitive and scholarly way to answer all your questions. It is a visual-only platform where all your questions are answered by peers and domain experts in an accurate, authenticate and ...

  • Artemis is the modern data science infrastructure. We're changing the way teams document, manage and share their scripts.