Privacy Hunt

We hunt data request forms, so you can reclaim YOUR data.
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What is Privacy Hunt?
Privacy policies and data request forms SHOULD be easy to find, but many companies hide them deep in their UI. Privacy hunt is a simple, free, crowd-sourced repository to reduce that to 1 click! šŸ˜ Find a company, click on the link, and reclaim YOUR data. šŸ™Œ
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Appwrite Cloud
Appwrite Cloud
Build your Entire Backend within Minutes

Recent launches

Rownd Data Privacy Platform
Customers are demanding control over their personal data. Give it to them with ease.
āœ” Onboard your app or website in minutes
āœ” Securely send data with easy to use APIs and SDKs
āœ” Give your end-users complete control with the plug-n-play Personal Data Center.
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Privacy Hunt

Privacy policies and data request forms SHOULD be easy to find, but many companies hide them deep in their UI. Privacy hunt is a simple, free, crowd-sourced repository to reduce that to 1 click! šŸ˜ Find a company, click on the link, and reclaim YOUR data. šŸ™Œ

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