One Soft Landing

Hire one of the 1000+ people recently laid off
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What is One Soft Landing?
Many companies are doing layoffs right now. We compiled a comprehensive list of companies and people affected, so that each of them can quickly find a new opportunity. If you're hiring, reach out to these people directly and give them one soft landing.
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One Soft Landing by Dover
One Soft Landing aggregates data across layoff lists into a single view. Since our first launch early in the pandemic, we've built a database of 20,000+ people. Simply input your email to access a master list that can be filtered by location, role and more.
One Soft Landing by Dover image
One Soft Landing
Many companies are doing layoffs right now. We compiled a comprehensive list of companies and people affected, so that each of them can quickly find a new opportunity.
If you're hiring, reach out to these people directly and give them one soft landing.
One Soft Landing image