

Business name generator
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The community submitted 42 reviews to tell us what they like about Namelix, what Namelix can do better, and more.
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4.6/5All time (2 reviews)
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42 Reviews
itsme Msp
itsme Msp
Online products selling
1 review
Don't understand how to download logo

Vanessa Waddingham
Building systems stack
7 reviews
Its great - very thorough results

Hey hey hey...
1 review
Reviewed this product
Pretty good results, I may use one of the recommendations for my next project :) Just a small annoyance for me, after I put the keywords I can't press enter to generate new results. I literally have to move my mouse to click generate button to do that.

Andre Goersch
Director of Human Experience
2 reviews
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Review of Namelix

This is definitely one of the best name generator tools I have used. I am always concerned about using similar tools after having domain ideas automatically stolen before, but I'm willing to give it a go for my next projects.

I would recommend streaming the results little by little to improve loading.


Kaushik Thirthappa
Co-founder @
12 reviews
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Review of Namelix

The tool is pretty good but sometimes the messages are quite unexpected. I entered 'message' as keyword and got tremendous results on vmessed mess and so on.


Owen Far
Owen Far
11 reviews
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Review of Namelix

Petra Quilitz
UX Designer
1 review
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Review of Namelix

I've created many startup brand names over the past couple fo years and this one makes phase one of the process a lot faster. Phase one is that initial brainstorming to get the creative juices flowing. After that, you're back to square one, you still need to take the ten best, add another 50 based on the inspiration you got from phase one, distill that down to 3, sleep over it and select one. Overall I would recommend this for any creative concepter or writer.


Vivek Soni
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Review of Namelix

Maninder Singh Taggar
Team Lead @OneLabs
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Review of Namelix

David Moleski
1 review
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Review of Namelix