Jeff's Letters

Jeff's Letters

Narrated audio version of Jeff Bezos's annual letters
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What is Jeff's Letters?
In honor of the anniversary of Jeff Bezos's last day as CEO of Amazon! Jeff's letters is an audio narration of Jeff Bezos's annual letters to shareholders. The end of each podcast episode includes commentary and reflection on the letter.
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Jeff's Letters
In honor of the anniversary of Jeff Bezos's last day as CEO of Amazon! Jeff's letters is an audio narration of Jeff Bezos's annual letters to shareholders. The end of each podcast episode includes commentary and reflection on the letter.
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Jeff's Letters Podcast
Jeff's letters is a non-commercial audio narration of Jeff Bezos's annual letters to shareholders. I'm doing this to make the content of these incredible letters more accessible. My goal is for Jeff, and other authors of incredible letters, to narrate future letters.
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