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What is Instacart?
Order delivery or pickup from more than 300 retailers and grocers. Download the Instacart app now to get groceries, alcohol, home essentials, and more delivered in as fast as 1 hour to your front door or available for pickup from your favorite local stores.
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Instacart is an on-demand food delivery network for people who don't want to be grocery shopping right now. They've just been valued at $4.2B and are Y Combinator's third largest portfolio company to date.

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Questions about Instacart

Frequently asked questions

Yes, Instacart can be worth it, especially if grocery shopping is something you don't like to do, don't have time to do, or are unable to do because of health reasons. If you as the customer are signed up for Instacart express and need new groceries every couple of days, then Instacart might be ideal for your situation.

No, groceries do not necessarily cost more with Instacart. But because Instacart is partnered with only certain stores, and the rest are merely listed as one of the possible grocery choices, if the Instacart personal shopper picks up groceries from a store that isn't an Instacart partner, then those prices will be higher due to a surcharge that's added to items ordered via Instacart. Instacart discloses whether prices are higher or the same as in store at the top of the app under the store name, once you click on a store.

Instacart provides an estimate of potential earnings for every order and guarantees shoppers will earn at least $5 for each delivery-only batch and $7 to $10 for each full-service (shop and deliver) batch. According to, the average Instacart Personal Shopper's hourly pay in California is approximately $13.40

Instacart provides an estimate of potential earnings for every order and guarantees shoppers will earn at least $5 for each delivery-only batch and $7 to $10 for each full-service (shop and deliver) batch. According to, the average Instacart Delivery Driver in California earns approximately $59,804 per year.

Instacart is a grocery delivery network and pickup service. Instacart offers its services through a website and app. The service allows customers to order groceries from participating retailers, and the shopping is done by a personal shopper.