Green Suggest

Green Suggest

Transforming Fashion, One Upcycled Garment at a Time.
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The community submitted 6 reviews to tell us what they like about Green Suggest, what Green Suggest can do better, and more.
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6 Reviews
I love the fact that with GreenSuggest I can connect with content creators and learn from their tutorials, which emphasize repurposing materials and reducing waste.

Shiva Azimi
3 reviews
The upcycling videos on Green Suggest are a treasure trove of creative ideas, expertly curated and tailored to my preferences. They have transformed my approach to fashion and inspired me to reduce waste while supporting talented content creators.

I love how this app encourages sustainable fashion choices!

Majid Azimi
Investment Exper
2 reviews
I recently had the opportunity to explore GreenSuggest, and I must say, this platform exceeded my expectations in empowering eco-conscious creators and enthusiasts. As someone who is passionate about sustainability and upcycling, I found GreenSuggest to be a game-changer in terms of providing curated content and resources for DIY projects. The user experience on GreenSuggest is seamless and intuitive. Navigating through the platform was a breeze, with a clean and visually appealing interface that made it easy to find exactly what I was looking for. The curated content from talented and passionate content creators was a standout feature. The wide range of upcycling tutorials and resources available was impressive, catering to beginners as well as more experienced DIY enthusiasts. One aspect that sets GreenSuggest apart is the strong sense of community it fosters. Engaging with fellow creators, sharing ideas, and learning from one another is encouraged and facilitated through interactive features. The ability to connect with content creators and ask questions directly added a personal touch and made the experience even more enriching. Moreover, GreenSuggest's commitment to sustainability shines through in its selection of content. Each tutorial emphasizes the importance of repurposing materials, reducing waste, and making environmentally conscious choices. This aligns perfectly with my own values and made me feel like part of a larger movement towards a greener future. In summary, GreenSuggest is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in upcycling and sustainable DIY projects. With its curated content, user-friendly interface, and vibrant community, it has quickly become my go-to platform for inspiration and guidance. I highly recommend GreenSuggest to anyone looking to unleash their creativity while making a positive impact on the environment.

Elmira Ghorbani
2 reviews
Interesting app! =)

Mahtab Mofidi
Business Developer
9 reviews
I recently had the opportunity to try out Green Suggest's application, and while it shows promise in the realm of sustainable fashion, there are some areas that could be improved upon. Green Suggest concept is commendable, as it encourages eco-conscious individuals to keep up with the latest fashion trends while reducing their environmental impact. One aspect that I found lacking was the UX of the platform. Navigating through the platform and finding specific features or suggestions was a bit cumbersome. Improving the UX would enhance the overall user experience and make the upcycling process more seamless and enjoyable. Additionally, while Green Suggest offers a range of upcycling suggestions, I felt that the selection could be expanded further. While there were some creative ideas, I would have appreciated more variety and options to cater to personal styles and clothing items. This would provide users with a broader range of possibilities and encourage greater engagement with the platform. Despite these shortcomings, Green Suggest's dedication to sustainability and their mission to reduce textile waste should be applauded.