God Of War

God Of War

The continuing story of Kratos
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What is God Of War?
God of War is a third-person action-adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio
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Dreams is an extraordinary open-ended experience where you can make anything, from interactive adventures and platformers, to shoot ‘em ups, puzzlers and more.

Whatever you create you can then share with a massive online community, where you can also browse other players' creations, and remix them, and use them in your own games.

Dreams image
God of War 4

God of War 4 is an epic PS4 exclusive featuring Kratos, a Spartan warrior who battled the Greek gods and took down Mt Olympus. Now living somewhere further North in an unfamiliar land, he is a father of a young boy Atreus. When Atreus's mother dies, the two journey to deposit her ashes, battling Norse gods and monsters along the way.

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