Coming soon
Dualite 2.0 is coming!
🥑 Introducing Component Mode and Page Mode for Dualite 2.0! Component Mode to generate high-quality and reusable code components for developers , and Page Mode to convert your favourite animations and pages to code in a click for designers
Kevin William David
Pankaj Jain
Artem Gladkikh


Figma Prototypes to Code instantly
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What is Dualite?
Dualite converts any Figma design, including prototypes to React and HTML/CSS. Create reusable code components from Figma variants in a single-click and use tagging for turning static layers to external links, input fields, buttons and embeds. 

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Recent launches

Dualite converts Figma designs and prototypes to React and HTML/CSS. Create reusable code components with semantic naming from Figma variants in a single-click. Use tagging for turning static layers to external links, input fields, buttons and embeds.
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