DB Lens

Explore data, execute SQL, metrics, disk usage & more
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What is DB Lens?
DB Lens is an opensource database client for Mac, Linux & Windows that helps developers to explore, observe & understand the database in a better way. πŸ” Database Explorer πŸ“Ÿ SQL Playground πŸ“‰ ER Diagrams ⚑️ Quick Connect (Deep Links) πŸ’‘ Performance Overview
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DB Lens
DB Lens is an opensource database client for Mac, Linux & Windows that helps developers to explore, observe & understand the database in a better way.

πŸ” Database Explorer
πŸ“Ÿ SQL Playground
πŸ“‰ ER Diagrams
⚑️ Quick Connect (Deep Links)
πŸ’‘ Performance Overview
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