
Run performance desktop apps from any device.
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What is Booste?
Booste makes software that wraps around existing desktop apps (such as 3D CAD or video editing tools), runs them from a supercomputer in the cloud, and streams the experience to any device. We're bringing the convenience of the cloud to desktop software.
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Appwrite Cloud
Appwrite Cloud
Build your Entire Backend within Minutes

Recent launches

CLIP API by Booste
Booste APIs boiling all the pains of the production ML stack into a single line of code.
We're super excited to launch an API to OpenAI's powerful new no-training-needed image classifier to Python and Node. Give it a spin!
CLIP API by Booste image
Booste makes software that wraps around existing desktop apps (such as 3D CAD or video editing tools), runs them from a supercomputer in the cloud, and streams the experience to any device.
We're bringing the convenience of the cloud to desktop software.
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