
watch videos with the power of AI
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What is videoGPT?
Enter the link to a YouTube video, and videoGPT will watch the video and then answer any of your questions. It has both eyes to see the key scenes and ears to listen to what is said in the video. Powered by chatGPT. Chrome extension & Pro plan coming soon.
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Recent launches

videoGPT is the chatbot that can watch videos & answer your questions about it. Unlike other youtube summarisers, videoGPT has eyes too. It analyses the key scenes so you can ask about any visual content as well. FREE, with a pro plan coming soon.
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Enter the link to a YouTube video, and videoGPT will watch the video and answer your questions. As well as using ears to analyse the transcript and speech of the video, videoGPT also has eyes to intelligently understand the visual content!
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