Yehezkiel Gunawan

Yehezkiel Gunawan

Actually I made a product for myself LOL
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Yehezkiel Gunawan
Generate QR codes for your web app simply and effortlessly with our tool.
QR Generator
QR Generator
Simple QR Code Generator.
Yehezkiel Gunawan
Yehezkiel Gunawan
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Feel free to give some feedbacks😁
WA Helper
WA Helper
Send the WhatsApp message without saving the phone number
Yehezkiel Gunawan
Just a simple web app to help you initiate and send a WhatsApp chat without saving the phone number.

Actually, I made it for myself. But of course, I'm open to any feedback. You can fork or clone this repo and make a PR here if you have some idea.
WA Helper
WA Helper
Send the WhatsApp message without saving the phone number
Yehezkiel Gunawan
It started when I think why I don't make my own live markdown editor, so I can use it by myself? Then yeah I made it with some modifications so I can use a base ReadMe template and download it with the custom filename.
markdown, text-editor, md-editor
Yehezkiel Gunawan
Yehezkiel Gunawan
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Maybe you can make the grid view as an option for the UI
Free unlimited cloud storage service using the Telegram API