Willy Ogorzaly

Willy Ogorzaly

Buidl the change u wish to see in the 🌎
6 points
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Willy Ogorzaly
Willy Ogorzaly
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Nice one Austin!
Nifty Ink
Nifty Ink
Draw something and make it a NFT for less than 1 cent
Willy Ogorzaly

Before Bitfract, achieving a diversified portfolio was time-consuming, difficult, and error-prone.

We built Bitfract to make it easier and safer for avg. users to gain exposure to diversified digital asset portfolios.

1. Pick your assets and allocation %

2. Input your destination wallet addresses

3. Send bitcoin

4. Receive assets in wallet 🚀🌈

Exchange bitcoin for multiple digital assets at once
Willy Ogorzaly

Exchange One Cryptocurrency For Multiple