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wang xing
wang xing
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Face Recognition Android SDK with 3D passive liveness detection
Face Recognition with liveness
Face Recognition with liveness
This is using SOTA face recognition model with 3D liveness
wang xing
This is using SOTA face recognition model with 3D passive liveness detection model, shows very accurate result.
Face Recognition with liveness
Face Recognition with liveness
This is using SOTA face recognition model with 3D liveness
wang xing
This is SOTA 3D passive liveness detection android app which is full offline and on-premises app. No need to connect internet at all. WhatsApp:+19162702374 Skype:MiniAiLive Telegram:@Contact_MiniAiLive
Face Liveness Detection Android App
Face Liveness Detection Android App
This is SOTA 3D passive liveness detection android app
wang xing
wang xing
left a comment Please check this github link and apk file. Thanks.
Face Liveness App
It distinguish real or fake when users attacks system.
wang xing
It distinguish real or fake when users attacks system. It can recognize photo, video, and 3D silicon mask attacks.
Face Liveness App
It distinguish real or fake when users attacks system.