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Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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We ranked 3rd today on the Top Featured products.

DocuPull has ranked 3rd today in the top featured products! We are overflowing with users and have experienced a slowdown in processing. A good problem to solve! Thanks to all you guys for the support!
Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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Congratulations Zeda team! I can see a lot of use cases for this.
AI Product Discovery by
AI Product Discovery by
Extract product insights from public reviews with AI
Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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We made it to the top Bootstrapped Products of the Day!

This is just a big Thank You to all of you who helped us get here! I know this is not the end goal. But this gives us hope to get to where we want to go!
Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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Finding the answer to this question right now! Just launched DocuPull :)
Do you think PH is helpful for your product? What did you get from launching your product here?
Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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Thanks for the valuable feedback. We just launched our product and are looking for success/failure metrics. This post helped.
I failed my first Product Hunt launch. Here's what I learned from this experience.
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Usha Bharadwaj
Instantly auto-fill Loan Applications instead of spending an hour. Avoid redoing forms for each lender. Swiftly get pre-approvals. Share your filled PDF/XML with any lender for the best rates. Transform your mortgage journey with AI-powered efficiency!
Auto-fill loan applications instantly, share with any lender
Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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Launching tomorrow!! Super nervous!
Sergei Petrov
What are your plans/goals for this week?
Sergei Petrov
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Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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We're going live Tomorrow!! Super nervous! Wish us luck!
Olena Bomko
Is anyone going to launch in November/December? Share your products here πŸ‘‡
Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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Hey there. We at DocuPull are launching on the 8th of Nov 😁 Do look out for us at - I'll look out for your launch as well.
Roll callπŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ™‹πŸΏπŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Who's launching in November?
Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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Followed. Ours is here -
Helen Kaljusaar
Let's support each other's launching soon pages!
Helen Kaljusaar
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Usha Bharadwaj
Usha Bharadwaj
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Pricing Strategy or Driving Growth: Where Should We Focus for Launch Day?

Hey guys, We're gearing up for the DocuPull ( launch in just 8 days! I'm reaching out for some insights on our primary success metric. DocuPull is free to use without the restrictions of creating any user profiles. The only way to measure success is if users complete the 2-5 minute workflow. On the other hand, we have the paid downloads for the Loan Application in XML/PDF...