Koji Kanao

Koji Kanao

Web/iPhoneApp dev/legal tech startup
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Koji Kanao

Imitation Art Installation Web Version offers a special experience that a famous artist draws your portrait to you!

In addition, image uploader version allows you to create a new image with the image you love/like.

Imitation Art Installation Web Version
Imitation Art Installation Web Version
If Picasso drew your portrait, would you like to see that?
Koji Kanao
Koji Kanao
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If you are looking for working space in NYC, this might be helpful for you!
NY Co-working Spaces Data
NY Co-working Spaces Data
NY Co-working Spaces Data shows you co-working space in NYC
Koji Kanao
NY Co-working Spaces Data
NY Co-working Spaces Data
NY Co-working Spaces Data shows you co-working space in NYC