Sushrut Chafadker

Sushrut Chafadker

Co-founder. Building a task organiser
2 points
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Sushrut Chafadker
Sushrut Chafadker
started a discussion

What are some of the common/obvious needs that you think are not solved yet?

Hi fellow product hunters, recently while doing some user research for a product I unearthed some problems and needs I never imagined existed. Which made me wonder what are some of the issues out there that have not yet been completely solved or solved sub-optimally. Curious to see what people come up with :)
Sushrut Chafadker
Sushrut Chafadker
left a comment
it's the first step for sure. May be good enough to build prototypes for some quick feedback.
Is ChatGPT birthing an era of non-tech folks building products?
Sushrut Chafadker
Sushrut Chafadker
started a discussion

How have you marketed an iOS app? (iphone)

We recently launched an app on both the platforms app store and google play store. Google ads seem like a straight forward way to get some initial users for feedback and validation. Though there seems to be no quick way to get traction to check how Iphone users are reacting. Does anyone have any tips?
Sushrut Chafadker
Sushrut Chafadker
started a discussion

How do you plan your week, or day?

Each one has their own way to plan/ remember their daily or weekly activities. We all have been there where we have switched from one to do list app to another. What is your go to method to plan? What has worked for you?
Sushrut Chafadker
Sushrut Chafadker
started a discussion

Hey everyone 👋! Just launched our product taskzen

Hi Product Hunt community, new here to the platform. Just had our first ever launch day but didnt get much traction. Would love some tips on how we can reach out people and validate our product and future ideas 💡
Sushrut Chafadker
Minimalist and fast to-do list manager with a unique user experience. Create task in seconds, drag and drop to organise or share across other platforms. Upcoming gamification, collaborative lists, voice assisted task creation