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Does anyone use or want Twitter automation?

Hi, I am planning of building a tool that automates many Twitter tasks like: scheduled tweets, automatic retweets, likes, shares etc. based on some kind of a custom event etc. Would you use it? Maybe you are using a some kind of a similar tool right now? What features would you want? :) Big thanks!
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What is better: good marketing or a good product?

If you would have to choose one, which one would you pick as more important for a profitable startup/product? Good marketing and low quality product or poor quality marketing and a good product?
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Does anyone use Twitter bots for automating your social activity?

I am asking this because I am planning to build this tool, so if there are any people who are already using some kind of a similar product or person who would like to use one, please tell me what would be your advices on the product? :) Thanks.
Be the first to trade on tweets that change stock market. When Elon Musk or other businessman tweets about stocks, you will get a SMS or email. You can also use custom filters by specifying keywords that needs to appear in the tweets.
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