Surya Rajendhran

Surya Rajendhran

Developer extraordinaire
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Surya Rajendhran
Surya Rajendhran
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Whoaa these looks really good, will definitely try these
Michael Andreuzza
Here is a list of all the stuff I am giving away for free for Indie Hackers, developers & designers.
Michael Andreuzza
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Surya Rajendhran
Surya Rajendhran
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Also drop your twitter if you like shit posting about code, cars or indie hacking :)
Surya Rajendhran
Hey PH! 👋🏻 I'm Surya, I'm a software engineer and I love cars, reading and learning new things
Surya Rajendhran
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Surya Rajendhran
Surya Rajendhran
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Hey PH! 👋🏻 I'm Surya, I'm a software engineer and I love cars, reading and learning new things

Just discovered the Product Hunt/Indie hacker community through Pieter Levels and it's been soo cool to read about the amazing products that people have built. I'd love to build cool stuff around the things I love for a living. I'd love to hear your stories and try out your products. Btw anyone following F1 here?