Snehal Nimje

Snehal Nimje

Co-founder at MeetRecord
33 points
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Snehal Nimje
AI Coaching by MeetRecord uses your historic call data to define a review criteria. Then it evaluates each call, scores them based on this criteria and shares feedback that your sales team can use to improve performance.
End-to-End AI Coaching by MeetRecord
End-to-End AI Coaching by MeetRecord
AI based end-to-end coaching solution that drives sales
Snehal Nimje
Acquiring customers is hard, retaining them is even harder.
Every customer meeting is filled with insights you could easily miss. MeetRecord helps customer success teams get deep insights from meetings to boost retention and find upsell opportunities.
Reduce churn using insights from customer meetings
Snehal Nimje
A curated list of emerging Sales superstars in SaaS world. It cover leaders from across the globe and lists only SaaS companies. Happy following them!
Emerging Sales Leaders - SaaS
Emerging Sales Leaders - SaaS
A crowdsourced list of 50+ sales SaaS leaders.
Snehal Nimje
Snehal Nimje
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