Simon Cheng

Simon Cheng

Vaunt Product Manager
18 points
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Simon Cheng
Vaunt's Organization GitHub Wrap offers a year-end summary for GitHub projects. Get a visual, data-driven recap of yearly performance, covering metrics like repo creation, issues, and more—all reflecting your open-source success.
Organization GitHub Wrap 2023
Organization GitHub Wrap 2023
Showcase your organization's community wins with Vaunt
Simon Cheng
Simon Cheng
started a discussion

Vaunt, a platform to strengthen open-source communities.

Establishing a vibrant and productive community is no simple task. Therefore, we spent months developing Vaunt. Vaunt helps build energetic open-source communities by incentivizing developers for their contributions, celebrating their accomplishments, and promoting interactions between them.
Simon Cheng
Simon Cheng
started a discussion

What accomplishments are you really proud of on GitHub?

Built a great project, or contributed to a well-known project? How do you show off your accomplishments? We're thrilled to introduce Vaunt ❤️, a community recognition tool that empowers developers to showcase their skills and achievements while helping organizations drive user contributions and highlight their contributors. Check us out 🙏🏼
Simon Cheng
Vaunt is a fun way to show off your development skills! Developers can showcase their skills and achievements, while organizations can drive user contributions and highlight their different contributors.
A developer community recognition platform