Siddharth Gangwar

Siddharth Gangwar

Full Stack Software Engineer
All activity
Siddharth Gangwar
Never miss any university application deadline again. Set reminders for application deadlines in under three minutes. We monitor your applications daily and send reminders when they start and when their deadline arrives.
University Application Reminder
University Application Reminder
Never miss any university application deadline again
Siddharth Gangwar
Sticky is an app that lets you take your sticky notes everywhere with you. With an infinite canvas, a delightful experience and support for every device, Sticky is ready to be your perfect companion. Try it today!
Take your sticky notes everywhere with you
Siddharth Gangwar
Embrace the 21 Days Habit Tracker - Build habits that last! Intuitive tracking, progress visualisation. Start now!
21 Days Habit Tracker
21 Days Habit Tracker
A Notion template to build new habits