Shunya Matsubara

Shunya Matsubara

CEO and engineer in Japan
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Shunya Matsubara
Input your text, set how fast you want to scroll, and scroll through the text with a click!
I needed this to scroll through my script while filming videos on YouTube, but couldn't find a service that allowed to adjust font size and scroll speed.
Fine tune and scroll through your scripts, librettos, etc.
Shunya Matsubara
Shunya Matsubara
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Born from a hackathon I hosted in Japan.
A good novel starts with a good opening
A good novel starts with a good opening
A web service to post / view opening lines from novels.
Shunya Matsubara
It's a web app for novel lovers looking for a new novel to read.
Instead of browsing through Amazon reviews, or spending hours in the book store, how about looking through openings recommended by others?
A good novel starts with a good opening
A good novel starts with a good opening
A web service to post / view opening lines from novels.