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shraddha kudalkar
Say goodbye to manual shoutouts! With Engage by Udyamo, easily recognize team efforts, track shoutout history, and send custom messages. Try it now for streamlined appreciation in your organization!
Engage by Udyamo
Engage by Udyamo
Helps you build stronger, happier, and more engaged teams.
shraddha kudalkar
Streamline feedback collection with ease. Create custom polls, share across your organization, and swiftly make data-driven decisions with real-time results.
Polls by Udyamo
Polls by Udyamo
Get quick feedback from your team! Know everyone's opinion.
shraddha kudalkar
TimeOffs by Udyamo is an easy-to-use availability tracking tool that simplifies the way you manage your teams’ time-offs and vacations directly from Microsoft Teams. Helps you add, view and update time-off. We make availability management convenient for all.
TimeOffs by Udyamo
TimeOffs by Udyamo
Say goodbye to tedious time-off management!
shraddha kudalkar
StandUps by Udyamo allows team members to stay informed about each other's progress, plans and challenges without the need for synchronous meetings, saving time and increasing productivity.
StandUps by Udyamo
StandUps by Udyamo
Asynchronous standups: Stay Updated, Save Time!
shraddha kudalkar
Transform team engagement. Create, manage, and conduct quizzes seamlessly in Microsoft Teams. Say hello to interactive fun!
Quizzes by Udyamo
Quizzes by Udyamo
Engage, Learn, Conquer