Shashwat Verma

Shashwat Verma

Building small useful AI-agents
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Shashwat Verma
Shashwat Verma
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look pretty neat!! Kudos
The AI assistant for YouTubers
Shashwat Verma
Shashwat Verma
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Looks very useful
Competitor Analysis by Pythia World
Competitor Analysis by Pythia World
Power your strategy with competitor insights
Shashwat Verma
Shashwat Verma
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Looks great. I am already a power user for Merlin. 😌
Pixplain by Merlin AI
Convert screenshots into insights by one-click GPT-4 vision
Shashwat Verma
Perfect your job-interviews with InterviewJarvis – the AI tool tailored for tech jobs! Practice 200+ questions *based on your resume*, experience realistic simulations, and craft targeted responses. Land your dream job confidently! 🎉 Sign up now!
Train your brain with AI, prepare for any job in tech
Shashwat Verma
Shashwat Verma
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All the best @avikalp
Vibinex Code-Review
Vibinex Code-Review
A distributed process for reviewing pull requests
Shashwat Verma
Did you know if you keep clicking the first link of any Wikipedia page you will converge on a particular wiki page - Philosophy. Interesting isn't it?
Janoo app surfaces best of Wikipedia articles in a gamified and beautiful way. Check it out and do share!
Janoo App
Best of wikipedia in one place💥