David Rene Comba Lareu

David Rene Comba Lareu

CEO of Ipsilon Developments Inc.
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David Rene Comba Lareu
PdfX.app allows you to convert PDF into a variety of formats, edit PDF, split PDF, combine PDF and much more!
Convert PDF, edit them, split, rotate and more!
David Rene Comba Lareu
Up to 6 languages, you can make a selection at any place of an image. Our OCR will cut that section, extract the text and present it to you ready to be translated. You can then define the new text that will be inserted in the selection area, as replacement!
Translate your favorite manga, comics and images, easy!
David Rene Comba Lareu
OCR app (images to text recognition) or PDF into text, supporting 6 languages >Automatic words and letter detection to text! >Support of 6 languages including English, Spanish, Japanese & more! >4 Export formats: Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML and Plain Text
Digitize images and PDF's into text documents, easy!