Djonny Stevens Abenz

Djonny Stevens Abenz

Maker of Typing Hero and Untrack 🛡️
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Djonny Stevens Abenz
Link tracking is invading your privacy.
It's designed to track what you see, what you click, where you're coming from, where you're going to, and more.
Untrack is here to protect you from link tracking on the Android platform.
Djonny Stevens Abenz

Ever found yourself typing the same text all over again? Or switching between apps to copy and paste text? Well, they're not efficient, eh?

Typing Hero can help you break those boring and time wasting habit!

Add frequently used text and assign keyword for each text to Typing Hero, and write any added text simply by typing its keyword.

Typing Hero ⚡ Text Expander App for Android
Typing Hero ⚡ Text Expander App for Android
🏎️💨 Type less. Write more. 🏎️💨