Scott Chacon

Scott Chacon

CEO, Chatterbug
23 points
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Scott Chacon
Learn a new language with Chatterbug Streams, the first app for learning Spanish, French and German through interactive live streams. Watch Peloton-like live streams tailored to your level with real-time quizzes and polls.
Chatterbug Streams
Chatterbug Streams
Learn a new language with live streamed classes
Scott Chacon
Imagine you sit down next to somebody who sold his former company five days ago to Microsoft for more than $7bn.
We sat down in Berlin and talked about GitHub, what he learned for his new company Chatterbug and why customer focus is so important for him.
Becoming a billionaire over night?
Becoming a billionaire over night?
Scott's (Founder GitHub) view on the $7.5bn acquisition