Sanjiv Gautam

Sanjiv Gautam

Just another average guy
7 points
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Sanjiv Gautam
Sanjiv Gautam
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Congrats on the launch
Create viral TikToks and Shorts from text to video with AI
Sanjiv Gautam
Have you ever spend countless amount of time going through resumes to find the ideal candidate? Well, say 👋👋 to those days! Jagir helps you automate job recruitment process by automating the CV screening process and you get to define your own rules.
Job recruitment automation AI agent
Sanjiv Gautam
Ever stuck in a situation where you know you need a product but not sure what it is? Well introducing to you; an AI powered product searching tool. PRODUCTSEARCH.SHOPPING
Let AI find the product you desire
Sanjiv Gautam
Hello ProductHunt! ImageCaptionAI takes your image as input and spits out appropriate captions based on the caption category you choose. It is powered by GPT-3 model inside.
Post your image and let AI caption it.
Sanjiv Gautam
If you are a social media user, I am sure you are familiar with tagging your friends, but not all websites provide you with that leverage. That's why we present mentionmate. A chrome extension that lets you mention/tag friends around the HTTPS webpages.
Mention or tag your mates to your current page