Sam Xu

Sam Xu

Founding Member @ FlowGPT
38 points
All activity
Sam Xu
Sam Xu
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Nice! Keep it up
The marketing AI tool for entrepreneurs
Sam Xu
Sam Xu
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Interesting idea! Good luck!
CTO or technical co‑founder as a service
Sam Xu
Sam Xu
left a comment
Looks fine. Best of luck
Apes and AI (AAA)
Apes and AI (AAA)
What if Twitter and Character AI had a baby?
Sam Xu
Sam Xu
left a comment
Very cool product. Does it do more stuff other than prompt engineering?
Hell's Pitching
Pitch your startup idea and get roasted
Sam Xu
We are hosting the first-ever ChatGPT Prompt Hackathon to explore the limits of Prompts. Join and win $5000 with the best prompts, learn from workshops and guest speakers on prompting, and connect with the vibrant prompter community at our demo day!
FlowGPT Prompt Hackathon
FlowGPT Prompt Hackathon
Win prize with best prompts, learn prompting with community!