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Sagie Reder
Magicdog supercharges Google Sheets with: - ✨ One click imports: effortlessly import data from Hubspot, Quickbooks and more. - 🤖 Automation: Automated alerts for email. - 🧰 AI Tools: Add AI into your sheets for summaries, generating database queries and more.
Supercharge your sheets with one click imports
Sagie Reder
🚀 Take control of your inbox and respond faster than ever before 🤖 Chatty automatically adds a Quick Reply button to any Gmail email 🧙‍♂️ A response is generated based on the email and the tone you select
Say goodbye to email overload
Sagie Reder
Fast payments, an intuitive checkout experience, and low fees finally made it to B2B. Create and launch your self-serve checkout quickly and easily, and let your customer pull & pay their own invoices.
Self Serve B2B Checkout.