Saad Mahmood

Saad Mahmood

Senior Software Engineer
68 points
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Saad Mahmood
Saad Mahmood
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It is harassment using electronic means.
Abdul Ghani
What is cyberbullying?
Saad Mahmood
Saad Mahmood
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Excessive use of social media wastes a lot of time.
Usama Ahmad
Has the use of social media had a significant negative impact on people's wellbeing?
Saad Mahmood
Saad Mahmood
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Young people waste a lot of time on social media.
Choudhary Majid Hussain
How are young people affected by their use of social media?
Choudhary Majid Hussain
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Saad Mahmood
Saad Mahmood
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Customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty, increases conversion and retention, and helps businesses make revenue.
M Abu Baker Habib
How does customer satisfaction and loyalty impact one's organization's success?
M Abu Baker Habib
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