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Russell Clark
So you have a kick-off meeting or design sprint with a brand new client tomorrow? Let Springboard give you the market, technological and trend information nuggets so you can kick-off like a boss.
Save hours of research before your next meeting
Russell Clark
Ever find yourself needing to rapidly assess a business opportunity? This simple checklist will help you judge an idea, the market, the team proposing the venture and various other parameters. Simply use this checklist as an interview guide.
Business Opportunity Checklist
Business Opportunity Checklist
Trying to recognise a good business opportunity quickly?
Russell Clark
Are you a start-up entrepreneur? Why not give your next idea the best possible chance of success by using experiments to validate your idea before you invest endless time and money...
Simply choose a stack of experiments and get started.
TestStacks - validate your business idea
TestStacks - validate your business idea
Free experiment toolbox to make your business idea succeed.