Rishabh Raghwendra

Rishabh Raghwendra

Frontend Developer Freelancer
1 point
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Rishabh Raghwendra
Rishabh Raghwendra
started a discussion

Is it possible to validate ideas online without getting out of home & asking strangers for reviews?

I want to know what tools or techniques are available nowadays that people use to validate their ideas online whether it can be for any physical product or digital product. I am very new to entrepreneurship. I don't know much about how to start a small business/side hustle, so pardon me if I have asked something I shouldn't be asking 😅
Rishabh Raghwendra
Rishabh Raghwendra
started a discussion

How do you price your product, if it's targeted for foreign market?

Hi everyone, I am a 3rd-year student and new to product hunt. I want to provide my digital services like Digital Marketing, Web Design & Development, etc to western market businesses where I haven't been before. I want to target the western market because they can find my services pocket friendly (I belong to Asia). So I want to know how much, or how should I price my services so that they...