Ricardo Marinho

Ricardo Marinho

Founder of many failed projects. 👽
21 points
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Ricardo Marinho
Ricardo Marinho
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My cofounder is an AI?

I've come to suggest a topic that can change a lot in the next years the way we start our journey as an entrepreneur. It is already possible, right now, to start entrepreneurship without feeling totally alone, with the help of ChatGPT for example, if we know how to put the right prompts, we can extract a lot of useful information to build a business and a vision. We already see today case...
Ricardo Marinho
4,000 useful contents for entrepreneurs, innovators and creatives! +3000 Investors Contacts 💰 +250 Invested Pitch Decks 🖼️ + 130 Tools (and AI tools) 🔨 + 65 Incubators & Accelerators 🐣 + 65 Famous E-Books 📚 + 60 Web News 📰 + 55 WorldWide Events 🎫
E-Box With More Than 4,000 Free Contents For Entrepreneurs
Ricardo Marinho
Ricardo Marinho
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Start Your Startup Project, Today. 😎 (Teamfounder.co)
Aaron O'Leary
Describe your product in 5 words.
Aaron O'Leary
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Ricardo Marinho
Ricardo Marinho
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When an interested investor backed out of a project because I was alone. :D
Where and how did you come up with the idea of your startup?
Ricardo Marinho
Wilfow is a new streaming platform with Interviews to Famous Entrepreneurs, Speeches; Podcasts; Talks and Roundtables; Workshops and Bios; videos about Web3 and Technology, startups and entrepreneurship.
Its a streaming video platform for Entrepreneurs & Makers
Ricardo Marinho
Ricardo Marinho
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Looks cool. I all ready try the free version one homepage and its funny !
Listnr 2.0
Listnr 2.0
Create realistic AI Voiceovers within seconds