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Trent Mackness

We're an open-source Monero block explorer built by the team at MyCrypto. We’re building awesome products that put the power in your hands and this is just the beginning of our Monero offerings.

Monero block explorer.
Trent Mackness

EtherScan is a Block Explorer, Search, API and Analytics Platform for Ethereum, a decentralized smart contracts platform.

Etheruem block explorer.
Trent Mackness

Run MyCrypto securely and offline with the desktop application. Powered by Electron, it's the same MyCrypto app, running in a sandboxed environment.

MyCrypto for macOS
MyCrypto for macOS
Securely run MyCryto Ethereum Wallet on Mac.
Trent Mackness

A workflow to provision infrastructure for private cloud, public cloud, and external services. Build reusable Terraform templates to define the topology of infrastructure using code. Terraform providers include 100+ infrastructure integrations, 1000+ resources, and 1100+ contributors.

Provision any infrastructure for any application as code.