Randy Hucker

Randy Hucker

Building 3D Creator Tools
9 points
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Randy Hucker
Thangs is the fastest-growing 3D community with over 13 million available models to search, store, and collaborate.

Thangs offers unlimited, free 3D backup, sharing, and collaboration
Thangs Mobile
Largest 3D model search
Randy Hucker
Sync your 3D files to the cloud, capture every new version without leaving your design client, and securely collaborate with others in real-time.
Thangs Sync
Thangs Sync
Secure, 3D-native revision control in the cloud
Randy Hucker
Thangs-Blender-Addon is an integrated search engine for Blender that allows you to search for free prebuilt models/meshes so that you can save time in your creative workflow process by not needing to navigate to other Blender model pages and Blender catalogs.
Thangs Blender Addon
Thangs Blender Addon
Built-in Free Blender Model Page and Catalog