Ran Aroussi

Ran Aroussi

Founder. Developer. Maker.
295 points
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Ran Aroussi
Ran Aroussi
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I got exhausted for last five days. I am going to take rest the whole weekend.
Vanessa Hughes
Do you prefer to relax or be active on weekends?
Vanessa Hughes
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Ran Aroussi
Premarket Bell is a free daily newsletter that delivers bite-sized market overview, forecast, and analysis to your inbox, every morning before the market opens.
Premarket Bell
Premarket Bell
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Ran Aroussi
Ran Aroussi
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Indie SaaS Founders - how are you handling customer support?

Solo founders have a lot on their plate. Once of the biggest time suckers is customer support. How are you currently handling it? Do you prefer live chat, support tickers, simple emails, AI...?
Ran Aroussi
Ran Aroussi
started a discussion

Automaze is Leading the Board!

Hi Folks! Automaze is currently ranked #1 on the board, and we're receiving a fantastic response from the community. Thanks to everyone who has supported and loved our product! If you haven't had a chance to check out Automaze yet, please do so and provide your feedback. It means a lot to us!
Ran Aroussi
The zero-equity way for founders to bring their idea to life, attract users, and achieve product-market fit. As your Technical Co-Founder & CTO "in the Cloud", we'll help you build a great MVP, manage your project, and scale your team when it's time.
CTO or technical co‑founder as a service
Ran Aroussi
Ran Aroussi
left a comment
Haven't heard of this before. Looks really interesting.
Maksym Skrypka
Do you spend a lot of time in front of a monitor and do eye exercises?
Maksym Skrypka
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Ran Aroussi
Ran Aroussi
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Launching my products on PH and gaining early adopters.
Amar Yousaf
What are your plans for Q4?
Ran Aroussi
Ran Aroussi
left a comment
Not this weekend but right after one day: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Felya Bilgen
Anyone Launching This Weekend? - feel free to share your launch link ❤️
Ran Aroussi
Ran Aroussi
left a comment
The community here is super amazing and helpful. I think the most professional people are here.
Umar Saleem
What is the one wonderful thing you discovered on product hunt and are now using regularly?
Ran Aroussi
Ran Aroussi
left a comment
That is amazing. Any pro tips you would like to share related to the launch. We are also going to launch this Monday and much excited and nervous at the same time.
Janusz Mirowski
My dreams have become a reality!🌟WebWave AI won Product of the Day! Now we need your feedback! 🚀
Janusz Mirowski
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