Robin M Koppensteiner

Robin M Koppensteiner

Big fat boss, Raindropcatcher e.U.
36 points
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Robin M Koppensteiner

You have tried creating new habits before. Exercise? Write? Read? How about meditation?

Then you know how hard it is to stick with a new routine.

Especially if you have an unpredictable schedule you will have encountered this problem many times over.

Chaos Routine
Chaos Routine
Maintain Habits in an Unpredictable Schedule
Robin M Koppensteiner

You can now win one of the first 20 copies of "Chaos Routine"! Click the Link!

You want to implement new Habits and Routines but somehow life keeps getting in the way? This book might just solve your problems.

Chaos Routine
Chaos Routine
Maintain Habits in an Unpredictable Schedule
Robin M Koppensteiner
I am Creator
I am Creator
Perspective, Mockup Scene Generator