Soledad Prue

Soledad Prue

Internet enthusiast
9 points
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Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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Upvoted because I loved this! :)
Wicked Backgrounds
Wicked Backgrounds
Create, copy & export beautiful SVG background waves
Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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Upvoted because I loved this! :)
Show my NFT on Twitter
Your profile picture is updated every day based on your NFTs
Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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Absurd Design 2
Hand-drawn absurd illustrations 💡
Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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Tried out of curiosity!
Create custom websites in minutes, all on Notion
Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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Fun and interactive audio spaces for teams and communities
Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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Wow curious about this
Fast, safe, private browser
Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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Needed this!
Push Express
Push Express
A powerful push notification testing tool for developers
Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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Upvoted because I liked it! :)
Web Vitals Leaderboard
Web Vitals Leaderboard
Compare your speed against competitors.
Soledad Prue
Soledad Prue
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I was looking for something like this
Ad-free, private search