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Peter Forret
Check the amount of money you need to be a millionaire in any currency. For example: a UK Pound Sterling millionaire needs 1.192.000€. An Argentinian peso millionaire requires just 8400€. Indonesian rupiah: 63€ gets you a million of those. Updated daily.
To Be A Millionaire
To Be A Millionaire
What 1.000.000 of any currency represents in euro
Peter Forret
Create images for your blog, social media directly from your command line: search Unsplash for keywords, download the best match, resize and crop it, add the photographer and URL to the photo's EXIF tags and inscribe title on the photo. Written in bash.
Download, resize, attribute, watermark Unsplash photos (CLI)
Peter Forret
All the tech news that matters, from Hackernews, Reddit, Techncrunch, Venturebeat, Wired ... - with brief preview (image/text), with all the relevant news sources, trending topic detection, responsive layout. Use it as your news dashboard of what's happening now. FOMO no more.
all the tech news on one web page - with trending topics