Saurav Pathak

Saurav Pathak

Product Evangelist
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Saurav Pathak
Krayin is a Free & Opensource Laravel CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises for complete customer lifecycle management. It automates your organization’s Sales and Marketing Operations, as a result, exponential growth in sales.
Free & opensource Laravel CRM for enhanced productivity
Saurav Pathak

Bagisto is an Open Source eCommerce Framework built on open source tech stack Laravel &Vue.js and offers Multi-Warehouse Inventory feature out of the box.

It has a built-in easy navigable admin panel bundled with functionalities like Multi-Currency, Multi-Vendor Marketplace, ACL, Multi-Channel, Localization, Payment integration and much more.

Bagisto - Laravel eCommerce
Bagisto - Laravel eCommerce
Open Source eCommerce Framework on Laravel