
Hi, I'm James Padolsey, a software engineer, author and founder. I've previously worked at companies like Stripe, Facebook and Twitter, and wrote the book "Clean Code in JavaScript." These days, I'm focusing on building proofs-of-concept, conducting independent research, and consulting with organizations on implementing AI technologies. I believe tiny but marvelous ideas can achieve incredible leverage and scale. My own brain injury in 2019 led me to reflect on ableism in society and advocate for disability rights. Through experimental projects like A Book Like Foo, Parse The Bill, The Minimalist Wiki and Pippy, I aim to make information and resources more accessible and tailored to people's needs. See TipTap.Chat for my latest Generative AI Chat product. <3


Founder & Leadership


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

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  • A Book Like Foo
    A Book Like Foo
    Recommends books based on your unique tastes.
    Feb 2019
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    Joined Product HuntJanuary 23rd, 2019