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Ory Segal

OWASP ServerlessGoat is a deliberately insecure realistic AWS Lambda serverless application, maintained by OWASP. You can install WebGoat, learn about the vulnerabilities, how to exploit them, and how to remediate each issue. The project also includes documentation explaining the issues and how they should be remediated with best-practices.

OWASP ServerlessGoat: A Demo Vulnerable Serverless Application
OWASP ServerlessGoat: A Demo Vulnerable Serverless Application
Learn Serverless Security By Breaking & Defending
Ory Segal

The “Serverless architectures Security Top 10” guide is meant to serve as a security awareness and education guide. The document is curated and maintained by top industry practitioners and security researchers with vast experience in application security, cloud and serverless architectures.

The Ten Most Critical Risks for Serverless Applications (Guide) v1.0
The Ten Most Critical Risks for Serverless Applications (Guide) v1.0
The Ultimate Security Guide for Serverless Developers