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Okechukwu Obinna
Show off your favourite music artist with the songs you love and let your friends into your world of music! Music lovers now have a home.
The easiest way to share the music you love with friends
Okechukwu Obinna
You know that feeling when you listen to a song and you just want to share it with someone or talk about the way it makes you feel? Jamselect has made it easier. When you share music on Jamselect, your friends can listen to them regardless of the streaming service they use.
The easiest way to share the music you love
Okechukwu Obinna
Okechukwu Obinna
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Love the simplicity! Buddy truly makes CI/CD a breeze! Well done!
Get the fastest CI/CD to build better apps faster
Okechukwu Obinna
Okechukwu Obinna
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This is a much need tool. Great work!
Boring Avatars
Boring Avatars
JavaScript library to generate SVG avatars based on text
Okechukwu Obinna
Share the music you love with your friends, It no longer matters where they listen to music, whether it's on Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, or Youtube, share without a worry.
See what your friends are listening to and have conversations, it's now easy!
When it comes to the music we love, we can't keep calm 😁