Oghenefego Ogbegwa

Oghenefego Ogbegwa

Product Manager
1 point


You've found me :) I'm Ogbegwa Oghenefego, a product manager at FifthLab Africa. Beyond my professional role, I find joy in strategic games like chess and FIFA, where the essence of strategy and decision-making fuels my passion for simplifying complexities. I believe in the power of making intricate processes more accessible. For me, true intelligence lies in simplifying the complex. My mission is simple: to transform convolutions into clarity, empowering others to navigate the digital landscape effortlessly. I see my journey as a continuous effort to innovate, simplifying the way we interact with technology and paving the path for a future where complexity is an opportunity for innovative, user-centric solutions


Product at Fifthlab Africa


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Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Kuleanpay
    Your one-stop payment solution
    Apr 2023
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    Joined Product HuntApril 12th, 2023