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Oge Arsoy
JustOne is a women & LGBTQIA+ owned and operated non-profit ethical photo sharing social media service. It allows users to share photos and albums by topic, city, or venue with smart hashtags or browse nearby photos to explore your neighborhood.
photo sharing & social network
Oge Arsoy
Meet your new friend, romance, or business partner with Surreal Meetings. Surreal connects you with the best people for you in the city. It has also an exclusive small business ad-supported revenue model and privacy policy.
AI Social Mixer to meet new friend, date, or biz partners.
Oge Arsoy

Just1 is a social network for especially LGBT, and Queer people. We match people by their favorite colors and sexual orientations. We use special algorithm for this. Users can also see all people within 1 mile, and play interactive "truth and desire" game.

Just1 Game
Just1 Game
Interactive Bar Game & Social Network
Oge Arsoy

In today's CRM world, softwares are still so complicated. User Interface is very confusing, training your team is another headache, and you pay more money for features that you don't really use. This is world's the most easy and smart CRM solution.

Smart CRM System for Small Businesses
Oge Arsoy
List your reading books to find friends with similar tastes