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A great step towards making Bitcoin fungible.
Wasabi Wallet 2.0
Wasabi Wallet 2.0
Bitcoin wallet with privacy by default.
Open-source, non-custodial Bitcoin Wallet for desktop. Wasabi Wallet is a free, open-source and deterministically reproducible software. It is designed so that neither the public nor the developers can breach your privacy.
Wasabi Wallet 2.0
Wasabi Wallet 2.0
Bitcoin wallet with privacy by default.

Wasabi Wallet is an open source and cross platform Bitcoin wallet with advanced privacy features. The Tor anonymity network is integrated and the wallet cannot be used without it. The wallet implements a trustless Bitcoin mixing technique, called Chaumian CoinJoin and enforces constant 100 anonymity set.

Wasabi Wallet
Wasabi Wallet
🔐️💸️Privacy focused Bitcoin wallet w/ Tor and CoinJoin