Nick Trierweiler

Nick Trierweiler

Software Engineer & Co-founder Gyosu
7 points
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Nick Trierweiler
Nick Trierweiler
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Read first, then stop reading and take action.
Oleg Eltsov
The best advice for a startup. What do you think?
Nick Trierweiler
Nick Trierweiler
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Math teachers and students!
Antoni Kozelski
Ah, let's spread the word! The main target audience of your awesome product/startup ?! 🎯🚀
Antoni Kozelski
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Nick Trierweiler
Nick Trierweiler
left a comment Please mention you are from PH.
Lets Connect on PH and LinkedIn
Hamza Afzal Butt
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Nick Trierweiler
Nick Trierweiler
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Start as an employee, build a skill, find a problem, and solve it in the wild.
Stable employee or risky co-founder journey?
Serhii Uspenskyi
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